Missions beyond 20 are randomized, except for the 8 milestone missions 30, 40, …, 100.Ā  Therefore, below are screenshots for missions 1 to 20, plus the 8 milestone missions, with links to the corresponding video captures and misison-specific strategy guides where available.

Randomized Missions

Each of the “randomized” missions feature a battlefield randomly picked from an earlier mission, which may be a milestone mission.Ā  Interestingly though, a few milestone missions, such as mission 20, are never picked.Ā  Furthermore, also randomized is the mix of enemy tank types and their initial placements.Ā  However, one thing is never randomized – the number of enemy tanks in each mission is pre-determined and never changes.

Table of Contents
Missions 1 – 20
Milestone Missions

Missions 1 – 20

Mission 1

Mission 2

Mission 3

Mission 14

Mission 15

Mission 16

Mission 18

Mission 19

Mission 20

Milestone Missions (30, 40, …, 100)

  135 Responses to “List of Missions”

  1. wish you could put up a video on.. mission 100


  3. Okay, we were playing tanks earlier today and something terrible happened.
    On Mission 45, we ended up getting FOUR GREEN TANKS and one yellow tank, which shouldn’t be a problem because there is no cork!

    The shocking truth?

  4. http://happywetalk.chatango.com/ this is my chat around site

  5. on scale 1 to 50 how much do you like tanks?

  6. what’s the black tanks speed?

  7. what other wii games are on wii play?

  8. did nintendo make tanks?

  9. /maps/@47.6517376,-122.1404467,3a,51.8y,95.93h,95.95t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipP5txjC4titrdwRGvSkiZEu73GjZqc63tq6sGzp!2e10!3e11!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipP5txjC4titrdwRGvSkiZEu73GjZqc63tq6sGzp%3Dw203-h100-k-no-pi0-ya43.57246-ro-0-fo100!7i9728!8i4864

    it’s the nintendo of america building!

  10. I am going to change my name that comes up on my comments. I’m going to change it to wii tank MASTER

  11. OMG LOOK AT THIS ONE!!!! :)https://www.listchallenges.com/all-north-american-retail-release-wii-games

  12. https://strategywiki.org/wiki/Wii_Play/Tanks! hey this is a thing to click on to tell you which tank appears in what mission AND what the tank does!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. mission50 I think this one is a creepy one

  14. https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/113478443/ tanks not on wii i don’t know if this works

  15. yo bright, did you look up the camera i told you about? if not it’s a couple spaces down. I think it’s when i asked you what state you were in!??!! šŸ™‚ šŸ˜•

  16. what got you so interested in tanks to make a website?

  17. last night i played tanks and I put a bomb for myself on mission13

  18. SOMEONE MAKE MISSION 20 so people are prepared!

  19. can some one make a video of mission50?

  20. hey bright have you played jeep thrills wii? šŸ™‚

  21. what does the button don’t click here mean?

  22. goodnight! tommorows another day for TANKS!

  23. hey Bright (admin) did you get around to seeing that camera?

  24. alexander took me to this awesome website who made it?

  25. what church do you go to?

  26. i guess I should say good night

  27. can I change my photo? i don’t like this white figure.

  28. In conjunction with Lee & Tiffany, CarbonTV brings you the Crush Deer Cam. Located in Iowa, with no high fences on the property and no hunting at the cam location, you’ll get an up close view of some monster deer in their natural habitat. hey (bright)admin! i wish this cam I was telling you about had tanks in it floating around in bubbles!

  29. hey alexander that cam is great!

  30. where do you live I live in PA

  31. I love this game.I am on mission38

  32. this is my firdt wii game how do you play?

  33. I have beat mission 50 in 9 seconds!!!!!!!

  34. I have only gotten to mission 60

  35. anyway i am just 11yo and beat the game 8 times

  36. why is your screen smaller than mine?

  37. also, missions like 25, 35 or 45 have new maps, but not fixed tanks
    (for example, 25 is that C like map)

  38. I have always hated the pink tanks the most because of the way they approach you. They’re not afraid of the bullets and so they just get closer and closer with their rapid fire.

  39. hardest tanks to worst tanks 1. green 2. black 3. white 4. purple 5. red 6. yellow 7. teal 8. grey 9. brown

  40. bad guys brown grey teal yellow pink/red teal’s crazy daddy. green purple white black

    good guys blue good pink/red

  41. missions 11 12 14 15 20 25 50 75 85 Iove!!!!!!!!

  42. Man, there are so many tanks in mission 100.

  43. I think that a purple Tank should also be in MISSION 100. Black Tanks are very clever. Yellow Tanks are good with mines. Green Tanks are very accurate. Brown Tanks are good sometimes especially with good Tanks. Purple Tanks are practically an evil version of you. Purple Tanks are also a Red Tank and Yellow Tank stuck together apart from 2 mines. Teal Tanks are cowards. Grey Tanks are all the one. Red Tanks are very brave. White Tanks are awesome. My favorite tank list is Black Tank White Tank Purple Tank and Green Tank. Thank you for reading if you did=]

  44. I like your site, it has been very helpful.

  45. this my list hardest tanks to wourst tanks 1. light green tanks 2. black tanks 3. wight tanks 4.purple tanks 5.red tanks 6. yellow tanks 7. teal tanks 8. grey tanks 9. brown tanks

  46. I have completed tanks 14 time

  47. I analyzed the Tanks audio and put a list of instruments that appear with all tanks.
    It’s under the “music of tanks” section.

  48. It stops after mission 20, in single mode.
    Help pls. =/

    • The first time you reach mission 20, the game ends. But you will have “unlocked” the remaining missions. Next time you beat mission 20, your game will proceed to the next mission.

  49. im unable to get past 20,it always says final mission. any help would be greatly appreciated. thx


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