This mission is engaged, if you’re not very passive, by first taking position either at the top or bottom of the left wall.  By habit I usually take the bottom first.  Sometimes, you can take out the teal tank near the lower right corner by trapping it into a corner (see General Strategy against Teal Tanks).  Unfortunately for me, I didn’t execute the trap very well (in particular, since one of my initial five rounds were canceled out by the teal tank’s rocket-propelled shell, I could have followed up with one more to increase coverage of my shells), and the teal tank had enough room in the corner to evade my shells.  And then I was hit.

From then on, it is mostly fan-and-rebounds.  See also Overall Strategy for Yellow Tanks.

Next:  Mission 9.

  4 Responses to “Mission 8”

  1. fail


  3. Without any offence… how the hell could you die in mission 8 ??? I NEVER died there!


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